Men to Mastery Podcast

100 Udo Erasmus | Total Sexy Health

Michael Bulloch

Udo Erasmus, an acclaimed author and speaker, shares his 8-step process to total sexy health! It takes into consideration all of the elements of nature and human nature, including physical health, mental health, presence and awareness, life energy, and being in harmony with nature and humanity.

We chat about the Vitamin D and Omega 3 deficiencies wreaking havoc on health in America how to safely fix it.

To learn more from Udo, he has generously given us FREE access to his Total Sexy Health – Mini Course


  • Who needs to run naked in the sun?
  • Vitamin D to prevent cancer & diabetes
  • We are 99% deficient in Omega 3 and 80% in Vitamin D
  • Care for yourself to care for others
  • How life is a flow of solar energy
  • 8-part Total Sexy Health


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