Men to Mastery Podcast
Being a quality man, father, and leader is harder than ever! We help men unfu@k the past and unlock the best future version of themselves. Get actionable advice for personal growth, thriving relationships, successful fatherhood, and financial freedom.
The world is at an inflection point, desperate for authentic leaders – men ready to grow and serve. Start the journey to life on your own terms.
Men | Marriage | Fatherhood | Freedom
120 episodes
120 Wylie McGraw | God Country Family
Wylie McGraw is a former Star Pitcher, Competitive Bull Rider, and 3-Tour Combat Veteran.Through those intense experiences that he discovered his crazy superpower of being able to expose blind spots, erupt & eradicate stress, ...

119 Chris M King | Transform Your Reality
Chris M. King takes individuals and organizations beyond their perceived limits, enabling the realization of the seemingly impossible.In this one, author, speaker, and coach Chris King shares his insights on recalibrating human systems,...

118 Brad Ritter | Unlock Potential with Purposeful Adversity
Today’s guest is Brad Ritter – one of the world’s leading experts on performance. He is the author of the best-selling book, School of Grit: Unlock Your Potential Through Purposeful Adversity. After graduating from Kokoro camp in 20...

117 Mark Silverman | Mastering Midlife
Mark Silverman is an executive coach who helps CEOs and Senior Leadership teams focus on making sure the right work gets done in their organizations. He also helps clients deal with overwhelm personally as well as professionally and help...

116 Mickey Schuch | Go Home Safe
Mickey Schuch has one core goal for himself and his students – to live a long and full life. His ethos at Carry Trainer is simple – enjoy each day, live in a manner that causes no harm to anyone, but be wil...

115 Cole Rodgers | Living the Standard
Cole Rodgers has an infectious intensity and leads from the front in defending the modern attack on men and in reclaiming primal manhood. After years of hiding addiction and distraction in the refuge of achievement he now embra...

114 Brian Kight | Simplify and Execute
Brian Kight is a highly sought-after speaker, author, and performance coach / consultant. In this conversation we break down the key success criteria in leadership and culture and reverse engineer getting to winning behaviors a...

113 Keith Schmidt | Man of Honor
You’ve been dead too long. Welcome back to life. I’ve missed that smile! These words from Keith Schmidt‘s wife awaited him at the successful end of a 75-hour learning and life reset e...

112 Errol Doebler | Lead Under Stress
Modern life has us all in a state of elevated stress and inflammation that underlies chronic disease. Beyond the biological response and impacts, stress can be crippling to decision making and emotional control. Learning to...

111 Daniel Mangena | Dream Your Reality
Daniel Mangena shares his approach for realizing the reality of our dreams and reprogramming ourselves for abundance. Daniel studied self-development with intentionality since a young age and found his way to millionaire...

110 Barton Scott | Upgrade Your Life
Barton Scott has chosen to focus his life’s work on an area of health optimization that impacts all the rest – nutrient deficiency. They are literally in the business of saving and upgrading lives!Barton is...

109 Dr. John Jaquish | Cardio Is a Waste of Time
Dr. John Jaquish recently stopped by the show to share his fitness invention, the American-made X3 Bar, and how it offers training that is superior to free weights and certainly cardio. He is a PhD who comes fr...

108 Chris Patrick | Uncensored Life Advice
Chris Patrick has been arrested and accused of a heinous crime (at 12 years old!), robbed, fired, divorced, and failed in two businesses. He had every reason to feel victimized, bury the past, and accept that creating his own r...

107 Josh Duntz | Full Human Potential
Josh Duntz is an ultra runner, Naval Special Operations EOD veteran, and co-founder of Stasis – focused on optimizing health and performance through breath work. Did you know we take around 22,000 breaths per d...

106 Chris Miles | The Anti-Financial Advisor
Chris Miles came to a stark realization – the financial advisory industry was not showing anyone how to quickly and safely become financially prosperous. He lost everything after the Great Recession and had to rebuild his inves...

105 Rick Maurer | Seizing Moments of Possibility
Rick Maurer provides leaders who want to lead change the expertise to help them identify even deeply hidden resistance and turn that opposition into support. Rick’s approach to leading change is unique. He focuses on two fundam...

104 David Strickel | Trust Your Abundance
David Strickel has been receiving downloads from a source consciousness since childhood – a consciousness and wisdom he refers to as the Stream. The Stream’s teachings have proven effective in transforming lives all over the wo...

103 Julian Serrano | Be Your Own Hero
Too many people expect the rest of the world to fix them. Life isn’t easy. Life is hard and no one is coming to save you. You have to do the work to become the hero you want in your life, your own hero. Julian ...

102 Sean Lake | Feel Great - Do Good
Physical performance as an aging athlete, the ski bum lifestyle, friends who level you up, serving and inspiring others, and the epic story, life, and legacy of Glen Doherty...all of that and more today with Sean Lake

101 Dan Proffitt | You May Die
Doctore Dan Proffitt is a life-long martial arts student and instructor, Wyoming born and raised, and a self-proclaimed cowboy, samurai, ninja, viking, spartan, and philosopher all rolled into one! This 20 year old trapped in t...

100 Udo Erasmus | Total Sexy Health
Udo Erasmus, an acclaimed author and speaker, shares his 8-step process to total sexy health! It takes into consideration all of the elements of nature and human nature, including physical health, mental health...

099 Dr Doug Brackmann | Do You Have a Disorder or a Gift? ~ Men to Mastery
Do you ever think, “it will be great when…?” Does it feel like much of the world is moving in slow motion or completely missing the big picture? Are you easily bored and swing from hyper-focused to chasing the next goal? Do most people think yo...

098 Men to Mastery | Season 2 Kickoff & CTA
After an extended holiday hiatus to fine tune the brand mission, message, and appearance, this episode kicks off “season 2” with renewed purpose, passion, and of course massive...